1. 729. My Calendar I

  2. 724. Find Pivot Index

  3. 720. Longest Word in Dictionary

  4. 7. Reverse Integer

  5. 697. Degree of an Array

  6. 692. Top K Frequent Words

  7. 690. Employee Importance

  8. 687. Longest Univalue Path

  9. 671. Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree

  10. 669. Trim a Binary Search Tree

  11. 628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers

  12. 62. Unique Paths

  13. 605. Can Place Flowers

  14. 581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray

  15. 56. Merge Intervals

  16. 559. Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree

  17. 542. 01 Matrix

  18. 54. Spiral Matrix

  19. 532. K-diff Pairs in an Array

  20. 53. Maximum Subarray

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